Current employment: PhD Student in Statistics at Bocconi University in Milan
As a double degree student from University of Hohenheim (Germany), I completed my studies in Pavia in academic year 2016/2017. I did not only make some good friends during my stay, I also built an international network with students and professionals from other countries. The study experience in Pavia improved my knowledge in several fields but especially it enhanced and deepened my knowledge and interest in statistics. Thus, I decided to start working as Data scientist in a Consulting Company in Munich. After some time, I got the opportunity to start the PhD-Program in Statistics at Bocconi University in Milan. So, in September 2017 I moved back to Italy and started my studies at Bocconi and found an international as well as stimulating environment.

Two years ago I moved to Tuebingen, in Germany, to complete my studies at the Eberhard Karls Universität. I attended the Master in European Economics and I consider the experience as the best one of my life. I finally had the possibility to study what I had ever desired to learn, and the whole adventure was amazing, in all respects: the courses I attended, the university, the town, the people I met and all the difficult and new things I had to face. All of them made me grow and and made me better. I strongly recommend to everyone to get outside of its own confort zone. I’m currently working as financial analyst for MarketInsight

Hi! I’m Carlotta from Genova. Currently, I am working as an “ICT Governance specialist” in an Italian multi-utilities company, but three years ago, I attended the MIBE course In Pavia and spent my second year, in Tubingen, attending the European Management course within the Double Degree Programm.
The difficulties of new uni system, friends from all over the world, living in a foreign country, speaking German and English daily, new classes and many project works. A never-ending thesis and lot of parties and laughs. This are some pieces of an amazing experience, I would live again a thousand times.

I am an ex-MIBE student who completed the Master Program in International Business and Economics in October 2011. During my studies, I took part in the Double Degree Program with the University of Tübingen in Germany, which allowed me to additionally obtain a Master in European Management. After that, I decided to stay in Germany to pursue a PhD in international accounting and auditing at the University of Tübingen. Currently, after working several years in the assurance line of one of the Big 4, I am employed at Ebner Stolz, which is one of the largest independent auditing and consulting firms in Germany based in Stuttgart.

The Double Degree is a truly life-changing experience. Thanks to MIBE, I have completed my academic path at HEC Liège Management School, deepening my academic knowledge and building practical expertise in an international environment. At HEC, I have discovered a profoundly diverse community, developing solid relationships that have broadened my perspectives. The DD is an invaluable asset to enter the job market, since you will be able to test your skills, both hard and soft, studying and working abroad. All in all, if you are ready to step outside your comfort zone and face new challenges, the DD experience is right for you.

In 2010 I start my Master Program in International Business and Economics (MIBE), definitely a great opportunity to grow both professionally and personally. This Program gave me chance to start my adventure at the EM Strasbourg Business School where I attended the degree course in entrepreneurship. It has been a direct experience in working on business projects in an international context with students from all over the world. It was useful to build my career as Internal Auditor in Mediobanca S.p.A, a group of highly specialized banking businesses. I always wanted to go study abroad and I suggest Double-Degree program because it enriches student with knowledge and skills in multiple fields that can be applied to many facets within the workplace.

I enthusiastically joined the Double Degree program between the University of Pavia – Master in Economics, Finance and International Integration – and the University of Tübingen – Master in European Economics. It has been a highly formative experience, both from an academic and a personal viewpoint, which I heartily recommend to all. Indeed, besides focusing on my fields of interest – Finance, Statistics and Econometrics -, the Double Degree gave me the opportunity to face new challenges and grow every day in a context different from mine. I am currently pursuing an Industrial Ph.D. in the Financial Data Modelling field.
After an Erasmus in Toulouse (France) in 2011, I flew to Tübingen (Germany) for a Double Degree. In Pavia I was enrolled in the now discontinued MIBE – Advanced Economics, a course in pure economic theory. It was a fruitful exchange – I learned so much on Germany and how they do university and research there – but not without hurdles (such as finding good correspondences with the courses in Pavia). I would warmly recommend the opportunity, provided there is good preparation, also for the concrete advantages (in terms of language and intercultural understanding) that I enjoy in my current job as a Political advisor on economic and monetary affairs to a Member of the European Parliament in Brussels.

During my experience at the University of Hohenheim I attended the International Business and Economics course. I had the fantastic opportunity to broaden my horizons, not only by meeting boys and girls from every corner of the world, but also by studying fascinating subjects which were totally new to me. That fantastic experience, along with a lot of passion and desire to learn, has led me to work in the most revolutionary and promising field of recent years: Machine Learning.

It was amazing. Definitely, I think students need to experience something like the Double Degree program, once in their career. I’ve worked hard in Tübingen (Germany), but in the end I have nothing but good memories of that time.
I believe it was the ideal completion of my study program. I was enrolled in the Industrial Organization and Market Strategies course (IOMS – MEFI), and it was during the experience in Germany that I found out my specialization. Now, I work as a tax advisor. I don’t think it would have been possible without that amazing year.

Current employment: Subject Matter expert Business Intelligence at Daimler Financial Services
As a double degree student from University of Pavia, I completed my studies at Hohenheim (Germany) in academic year 2013/2014. The study experience in Germany has improved my knowlege in economic-related topics and it helped me to build an international network with students and professionals from other countries. After my studies, I choosed to remain in the Stuttgart region to work as a project manager for a large automotive company in an international and very stimulating environment.
I attended the double degree at the Eberhard Karls Universität of Tübingen, in Germany; as a student of the MIBE course of university of Pavia. It was a great learning experience from different perspectives, which allowed me to learn a new language and eventually stay in Germany even after my graduation. Currently, I’m attending a Graduate Programme in a consulting company that works with customer relationship management systems in Frankfurt.

I attended the Double Degree Program at the Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen during the Academic Year 2015/2016. I was enrolled at the University of Pavia in the course MEFI – Finance and the specialization in Tubingen was European Economics. The courses offered by the University of Tubingen are quantitative oriented, with focus in econometric and finance. They give a strong and intensive preparation for academic and working experience. There are also Master Seminars improving skills to write scientific papers and carry out research. Currently, I am working as Financial Engineer Consultant for an Italian global banking and financial services company.

During my Master in Economics, Finance and International Integration at the University of Pavia, I decided to enrol in the Double Degree Programme. Among the different opportunities offered, I was admitted into the programme between Pavia and the University of Hohenheim, in Stuttgart (Germany). The experience has been remarkable: firstly, it allowed me to challenge myself with a different education system and to learn how to face new challenges, turning them into new opportunities. Secondly, the programme has offered me the possibility to attend new courses with top-quality professors both in Italy and in Germany, turning the final year of my studies into an incredible insight into new economic subjects and research interests. Lastly, the experience enabled me to know wonderful people, both inside and outside the University: with most of them I am still in contact right now, after 2 years from the finishing of my studies.
Given the fact that the programme is involving the last year of master studies, I was also encouraged to write my thesis with two co-supervisors, one from Pavia and one from Honeheim. This led me to discover my passion for the economic research and pushed me to apply for a Ph.D. Candidate position after the ending of the programme. Therefore, after a first permanent working position in Berlin with a German SME as European project manager gained immediately after my graduation, I decided to quit and enrolled in the Ph.D. Programme in Economics at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (IT). My research topic is still the same as the one jointly elaborated for my thesis during the DD Programme.
Last but not least, the DD Committee granted me the title of Best Double Degree Master Student for the academic year 2015/2016. What can I say more? Thanks DD, you have being an amazing opportunity for my future!

Da studente del MIBE, ho avuto l’opportunità di svolgere la Double Degree a Strasburgo nel corso di International and European Business presso EM Strasbourg Business School. È stata un’esperienza formante e stimolante, che mi ha permesso di sviluppare in particolare le mie soft skills e, poiché parte del piano di studi, mi ha spinto a trovare un tirocinio. Ho trovato un tirocinio come PMO presso FedEx TNT in Olanda, al termine del quale mi è stata offerta la posizione di Portfolio Management Analyst in Customer Experience. Ad oggi sono ancora qui.

Current job: Planner at ASML (the Netherlands)
The Double Degree experience has been delightful in many aspects, but mainly in terms of personal growth. The fact of living for a whole year far from the family in a foreign country and in an international context allowed me to develop and improve my organisational and communication skills. I have had the chance to meet awesome people from all over the world, and with some of them I am still frequently in touch. The only negative aspects regarded the scarce knowledge the Tübingen university staff had about the double degree program and its rules, which caused several bureaucratic setbacks especially in the initial part of the year (enrolment and preparation of the study plan), but also in some phases of the writing of the master thesis. In general, however, it has been a unique experience that I suggest everyone would like to deepen their academic knowledge or has the curiosity about exploring new contexts and life styles in order to grow as an individual, getting a flexible mindset, and with a perspective of being more successful once entering the labor market.