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Dear Friends and Colleagues,


I’m very pleased to announce that this summer, Leading & Managing in the Digital Era, an international conference on the future of work and business education, will be held in Athens, Greece, followed by a three-day research colloquium on the island of Syros.


I invite you to submit papers for consideration and join us for an incredible gathering of business school leaders, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs to discuss the future of work, leadership, governance, strategy and innovation in the digital era.



This conference is hosted by the Athens University of Economics and Business, Stevens School of Business, and the Bodossaki Foundation.

I hope to see you in Greece soon!




Gregory Prastacos


Stevens School of Business






International Conference

Athens & Syros, Greece

19-23 June 2023



Call for Papers


The Leading and Managing in the Digital Era (LMDE) 2023 Conference aims to bring together academic leaders, academic researchers, and industry leaders to present and discuss innovative research results on management and leadership in the digital era and their business impact, as well as their vision about the future of business schools and business education in view of the opportunities in the digital era.


The conference will take place in Athens, Greece from June 19-20, 2023.

In addition, the conference features a Research Colloquium follow-up event in Syros, Greece from June 21-23, 2023 with presentations of important funded research initiatives, meetings with experts and networking for possible collaborations in funded research projects. LMDE will conclude with a one-day Doctoral Consortium on June 23 in Syros, Greece.


Important Dates


February 1

Submission of extended (800-1500 words) abstracts (Main Conference, Athens)


February 28

Notification of acceptance of papers (Main Conference, Athens)


March 1

Submission of proposals for Research Colloquium (RC) & Doctoral Consortium (DC) (Conference Extension, Syros)


March 20

Notification of acceptance of presentations in RC and DC (Syros)


March 30

Early Bird reduced registration fees


May 30

Submission of final papers for publication in the Springer volume (optional)


June 19-20

Main LMDE Conference (Athens, Greece)


June 21-23

Research Colloquium and Doctoral Consortium (Syros, Greece)


Call for Submissions


We are seeking high-quality research papers (theoretical and/or empirical) and opinion papers, including policy recommendations related to the conference theme, as well as proposals for panel discussions from scholars and industry practitioners for the Main Conference and proposals for the Research Colloquium (RC) and Doctoral Consortium (DC). For details, please see https://lmde2023.org/submissions/call-for-papers

Conference Tracks


Track 1: Leadership and Governance in the Digital Era


Track 2: The Future of Work


Track 3: Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era


Track 4: The Future(s) of Business Schools in the Digital Era

Submission Process

Authors of papers are invited to submit to EasyChair an extended abstract (800-1500 words) of their paper for peer review by February 1, 2023. Authors will be notified about the acceptance for presentation of their paper at the conference by February 28, 2023. Authors of accepted extended abstracts will be offered the opportunity of publishing their full paper in an edited volume published by Springer. Such papers should be submitted by May 30, 2023, and will be subject to a peer-review process.


Panel proposals should be submitted by email to lmde2023@aueb.gr by February 1, 2023, including a description of the discussion, the proposed discussants and chair.


Submissions for consideration in the Research Colloquium in Syros will report on funded research initiatives on the themes of the conference. If you are interested in presenting a research project, please email us at lmde2023@aueb.gr by March 1, 2023, with your proposal, including a brief description of the initiative, the funding agency, the timeline of the project and the project partners.

Conference Proceedings


All accepted abstracts of papers that will be presented in the conference will be published in an eBook with an ISBN number. In addition, selected full papers will appear in a volume to be published by Springer.

Further Information


Please refer to the conference site lmde2023.org for further information and updates on the conference themes, submission process, program, registration, and venues.


We look forward to receiving your contributions and to welcoming you to the Leading and Managing in the Digital Era 2023 Conference.


The Conference Program Committee

The Conference Steering Committee