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HERMES Universities is happy to announce the next student workshop to be held online on March 24th, from 1 to 3pm CET (connection details will be sent by e-mail to registered students).

To register, please fill in a quick form by clicking here.


Resilience is a complex construct consisting of three different aspects: recovery, resistance and reconstruction.  In the workshop different strategies to enhance each of these aspects will be presented. A focus on how to recover from stressful events, how to resist stress and make use of resources and how to grow from adverse experiences will be explored.



Barbara Juen, is a Professor at the University of Innsbruck teaching and researching in the field of trauma and disaster. She is head of psychosocial support in the Austrian red Cross and scientific advisor of the European Network for Psychosocial support of the Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies.

Dr. Silvia Exenberger, is a clinical and health psychologist and works at the research unit of the child and adolescent psychiatry, Tirol Kliniken. Her research focus lies on Positive Psychology (resilience, well-being, posttraumatic growth) and trauma; a cross-sectional topic is culture. She is an external lecturer at different universities. She is manager of the Institute of Positive Psychology and Resilience research OG (in cooperation with Verena Wolf).